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Wearable Electronics Workshop using the Lilypad Arduino Microcontroller 

Women, Fashion and Technology.... A good combination of words for those in the Engineering field would love to hear!!


This workshop was not just for women, for everyone who is interested in electronics and their uses. The main aim of this workshop was to introduce the world of Lilypad Arduino. It is a portable microcontroller and its conductors can be sewn to fabrics. Participants learnt how this microcontroller and a set of sewable electronic modules can be used together to create interactive garments and accessories. The Workshop also focused on software installation and connection of the board. After participants had gained confidence in using the software and uploading programs to the board, they were able to sew the components onto a given fabric. In addition, there were showcases of different wearable technology designs for different uses (e.g. safety occupancy,  fashion, etc.)This event was a collaboration with IEEE WIE Victorian section.


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